Thursday, June 16, 2016

TactiCon 2015

You may have seen photos taken of my Crossing of the Meuse, 1940 that I have posted on this blog earlier. The following is a series of photos taken TactiCon, held in Denver, Colorado in September of 2015. I recreated the area of Dinant Belgium and the land to the north at Houx, crossed by Erwin Rommel's 7Pz Division in May of 1940.

The first is looking west across the Meuse at Bouvignes. This is located just north of Dinant (off photo to left):
Next is a view taken over the Citadel at Dinant (which is to right of and on the other side)
Looking north along the Meuse and Dinant. The Cathedral I scratch-built to match photos
Now we have flipped the view and we are looking east back towards Dinant and the Citadel
Again, looking east from the French-held heights over Bouvignes with Dinant seen upper right
Wiht Dinant in the left background and Bouvignes in the right foreground, you can note the two blown bridges the French had dropped into the river just before Rommel's arrival
The remaining shots were all taken during the Convention with the various 'generals' pondering their next moves (with photographic assistance of course!). 

The French looking to bring up their reserves!

Look beyond the first table and you will just make out the second containing the Houx portion of the battlefield, where Germans crossed as early as May 13th! French plans believed the Germans wouldn't even reach the Meuse until about the 17th!
Here is the reverse view with Houx and the fishing weir and lock (mid-photo) used by the German motorcyclists to cross over unopposed! The French were too busy occupying the high ground overlooking the area and not the riverbanks!
Sadly for the French players, history repeated itself, although the Germans did suffer more casualties. 
All in all  a great time shared by everyone. 
C'est la guerre!

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