Sunday, April 14, 2019

LZ X-Ray

This is just a small teaser for a larger game that will attempt to recreate the battle that took place over 14-16 Nov, 1965. I had the nice opportunity to begin play testing the scenario at GameCo held in Colorado Springs this past Saturday. This is an event directed at Middle and High Schoolers, through our gaming hobby. Had great fun with six young men who tried out something they had never done before. The following photos will soon be followed by a much larger and detailed story. Will keep you posted.
At a scale of 1figure/model representing two men/helicopter, this shows the third wave of UH 1Ds bringing in elements of the 1/7 AirCavalry.
The termite hills behind which Lt Colonel Moore established his CP for his battalion's struggle against the PAVN forces, is center right of photo
Looking north towards the Cho Pong mountain with the CP near the termite mounds again, center right
PAVN forces (shown at bottom) make their first assault on the Air Cav.

In a few weeks time I hope to stage (and record) the battle in much greater detail, so stay tuned!