Sunday, April 13, 2014

The "Massacre"

In our continuing Lost Continent: High Adventure, my Italian player with of 9 his men along with 9 Ngoni Askaris have reached the village of the Head Chief of the Ngoni people. After taking part in a raid against nearby a nearby Ila, the Italians were guests at the victory party put on by Chief Ata Wahde, simply called 'the Savage One'. Thye soon learned why he held that title. Later the Italians were invited to join Wahde's men allied with some of Tippu Tip's slavers on an upcoming raid against the Ila. But it was all a ploy. Tippu had convinced the erractic chief to kill his guests and confiscate their guns. It was a quiet night until:

One Italian and one Askaris were on guard duty when they observed a large number of warriors approaching. They opened fire and the fight was on:

The Italians and their Ngoni Askaris put up a heck of a fight, but were overwhelmed eventually. The last four to go down ironically were Ngoni Askaris fighting Ngoni. The 'Savage One' had his guns. But what will happen when the Italians on the coast learn of this treachery?
Sadly, my additional photos turned out unusable and so I continue to learn myself. Further reports will be coming. Hope your luck is better!

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