Friday, August 8, 2014

Kota Bharu: Dec 8, 1941

The scene is is 0045 Dec 8, and the Japanese are approaching the beaches of northern Malaya. WWII is about to begin in the Pacific, a few hours before the bombs fall on Pearl Harbor. Shown below is the Japanese task force consisting of (back row l-r) DD Ayanami, Isonami; CL Sendai; DD Shikinami and Uranami; (front row) transports Ayatosan Maru, Sakuru Maru, and Awagisan Maru. Heading to shore are the landing craft carrying Maj Gen Hiroshi Takumi and his 56th Regiment.
(Sorry about quality of the next two photos)The battlefield as seen from the west. Coastline is to the left, village of Badang lower left; and the important RAF Air Station to the right:
The view from the east with the village of Sabak lower center:
 View towards Bandang Beach:
View towards Sabak Beach:
The battle report will follow shortly


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi, I read with keen interest on your whole composition piece. Looks absolutely superb. Can I enquire whether there are any references available for the 3 transports as I have been searching in vain. Thanks.
