Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Ambush is sprung!

Before the French even know the Viet Minh are there, I had the VM player roll a 6d to determine how many free shots he would get before the Card Activation Phase kicked in. Each unit, French (7) and VM (5), has a card in game deck which are drawn randomly to determine order. I love using this system rather than the old, 'You go-I go". Keeps the players involved. The VM were very well off by rolling a five! He chose to activate both 57mmRR, and three of his mortars. This in addition to two activated mines, one at the front and the other at the rear of the column (just as it happened in '49):
At the front of the column, the mine not only blew up the lead jeep, but took out driver as well. (rolled for both) The RR took out the Halftrack as well as one of the three men aboard. Fortunately for the French at this point of the column, a 60mmM was off target, missing the Scout Car behind the 'Track!
Towards the middle of the convoy, the second 60mmM was better operated as it destroyed the Radio Truck...No calling for support!
At the tail end, the second mine duplicated the first (bottom of photo) while the RR knocked out another 'Track, killing one. The third 60mmM targeted a Scout car but missed (middle top of photo)
Now the first turn officially begins with the VM MMG getting their first shots, but this one misses. The M8 AC turns and fires ineffectively into the jungle (A defender gets plus four on a defensive die roll, 6d, and if he gets above a seven, no effect. The Moroccans of the RCIM and a few drivers do get lucky when they score a Shaken (Yellow Cap) on one of the MMG. In my rules, the shooter rolls x1 6d for each fig firing. 2-6 at 1"; 3-6 at weapons medium range; and 4-6 at long. Moving lowers roll by one. If there are any scores on target, the defender rolls x1 6d, getting -1 if moving, 0 if stationary, +1 soft cover, +2 hard cover and the aforementioned +4 if in hard to spot jungle terrain. For every hit, the shooter then gets a 6d and needs to beat the defenders roll. If he does he gets a casualty. Equal die roll gets a Shaken (target cannot move or shoot next turn), and -1 gets a Pin (target may shoot next turn but not move. All targeted figs are randomized so if there were three figs in the target area, and three hits, there is a chance all the hits are on one fig. No Hollywood shooting here, all random.
The M8 HMC turns off the road and fires into the jungle hoping to suppress the mortar fire but fails. Drivers and RCIM are deploying along the road since there is no movement.
And at the tail of the column a VM MMG takes out a truck (but the driver successfully bails (right center of photo). French return fire is again very lucky as it scores another Shaken (Yellow Cap) on the same MMG crew. (top center). End of turn one.

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