Thursday, October 8, 2020

Battle of Liilehammar, Norway, 4/19/1940

 The Norwegians will be attacking with a full-strength platoon of four squads, supported by two ski squads, a British ATR, and a 70mm Howitzer. The Germans have three understrength squads (lost heavily in previous fight), and a Pz I. The battlefield as seen from the east, German positions marked by the Swastikas.

View from the north...
On the Norwegian right flank, one squad moved across the partially frozen stream, advancing towards the stone bridge. A German squad was defending using overwatch. This enabled them to interrupt the Norwegians, and they poured a devastating fire into them, wiping out the entire squad!...
A second Norwegian squad came out of the trees to the north and crossed the frozen ford, only to be blasted by a second German squad hidden in the farmhouse. Five more casualties and a shaken (marked by the yellow cap; (cannot move or shoot following turn)...
Failing to activate on the next turn, they were wiped out as well! Two squads gone and the attack has barely begun...
Two Norwegian ski squads advance out of the woods, while a third squad approaches the bridge (upper-right), and begins to inflict casualties on the Germans defending. Then suddenly a Henschel 123 attack plane, dives down, dropping bombs and strafing the Norwegians!
Finally, some success for the unlucky Norwegians, as they wipe out the small German squad defending the bridge (upper right)...
The luck doesn't hold-up however, as first, a Pz I shows itself hidden in the barn, while yet a second Pz I races down the main highway and tuns off on the secondary road. The Norwegians will be hard-pressed with only molotov cocktails and one British ATR (which has yet to activate!)...
To make matters downright unpleasant, a SDKFZ 222 armored car comes down the highway, and with the Pz I moving out from the barn, begins to tear up the Norwegians on their right flank...
As the weakened ski squad takes up defensive position on the reverse slope, awaiting with their molotov the oncoming Pz I, a second HS 123 makes its pass. This time it is relatively ineffective, missing with its bombs, and scoring only two pins. (red cap, can't move next turn)...
The remaining ski squad, do get to assault the Pz I, but they miss with the molotov, and are cut down...
Honestly, at this point, the Norwegians would have called off the attack, having lost all but one squad (which finally activated after six turns!), but we decided to attempt a 'suicide' charge with molotov and
the British ATR. The Norwegian FO did succeed in dropping a barrage squarely on an advancing Pz II (upper-right) , and knocking it out! But the Pz I, and a German squad (top-left) destroyed the attack without the Norwegians/British even succeeding in getting off a shot...
All that remained for the Norwegians, was to withdrawal its Platoon HQ and FO...
All in all an absolute disaster for the Norwegians. They only inflicted six casualties, while their force was virtually annihilated. Illustrated quite well, the difficulties the Norwegians experienced while attempting to defend their nation. Next up, the Battle of Tretten, and the destruction of the British 146th Brigade...

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