Friday, August 13, 2021

The Spanish Take On Guadeloupe

 After successfully raiding the French port of Petit Goave, our Corasrio Commander next selected the French Colony on Guadeloupe. The Harbor was filled with merchant shipping but even with our rule regarding surprises, the French failed every attempt to sound a warning. Not until the Spanish literally began swarming onto the dock, did the French show any suspicion! Notice the Militia guards simply strolling along the dock...

As the first Corsarios move onto the dock, they let loose a volley and quickly, two Frenchmen go down...
The Militia Commander is on the parapet of the Fortified Stone House (top center) above the harbor, and can't believe what he just heard and saw...
As French Marins pour out of one of the dockside taverns, three are quickly cut down, and the survivor is routing off...
Even at longer range, the Spanish luck continues.  Another volley from the Corsarios drops more Marins (bottom) fleeing to the Fortified House...
Spanish Piqueros Milicianos inflict three more casualties on fleeing Marins, causing the survivor to flee...
The French finally strike back as their Caribbean Militia fire into the Piqueros Milicianos (center)...
The anchored Spanish Frigate (off table to left) fires a volley and they blast the two initial surviving Militia Dockside guards (bottom and center)...
All hope is lost as the last Marins are cut down before they can make it to the Fortified house. It is the last straw for the French Commander (lower left), who lowers the flag and surrenders!
This had to be the most lopsided fight we have held. It was an absolute slaughter, with almost every French figure becoming a casualty while the Spanish lost two! The Corsario Commander then spent the next day and a half, looting the island!

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