Saturday, March 15, 2025

The Shrines of Saint Ioastas

 The Imperials learned that an Ork raiding party was heading towards the twin shrines of St. Ioastas which were being restored by the Adeptas Sororistas. A force of Guardsmen and Imperial Fists were scratched together to stop them.

St. Ioastas Rising (left) and St. Ioastas Ascendant (right) with mountains in the background...

Section of the Sororistas in St. Ioastas Rising...

The second detachment holding St. Ioastas Ascendant...
The Blood Axes lead by their Boss Bloody Clawhand (right)...
The Sisters drop some Orks, but the tide is pushing closer...
The 'Greenskins' swamp the Sisters attempting to hold St. Ioastas Rising...
The Iron Fists pushing forward over a dangerous bridge...
The Fists commence pounding the Orks pushing past St. Ioastas Rising...
The Guardsmen detachment carried by a Chimera arrives, and takes down half the Blood Axe Snagga Boyz! But the other half slam into the tank and inflict 8 pts of damage...
As the two surviving Sisters withdraw inside the 'Ascendant' Shrine, the Guardsmen and Orks decimate each other while the Chimera is down to two pts remaining...
The Fists and Orks are exchanging casualties...
Only six Fists remain...
The lat Guardsmen and Sororistas go down beneath the murderous Orkish blows. Both Shrines will now be desecrated!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Final Assault...

 Two new Mobs appear; the Blood Axes have arrived...

The Gorkanaut is down! And in its death, some of the Boyz and even the Scrapjet go up in the explosion. Only good news for the Greenskins, is the damage inflicted on the Rogal Dorn tank...
The Defenders begin a withdrawal to the final lines...
Even though the Squig-rider is lost, the Blood Axes and a Deff Dread destroy the Chimera...
While fire is poured into the Marines still holding out in the hotel, Da Bosses (x2) charge towards the Rogal Dorn...
A closeup of Da Boss making contact...
The Blood Axes and Deff Dread devastate a large Guardsmen unit...
Clearer view of the destruction by the Orks...
The Ork artillery which has been pounding the hotel and inflicting its share of casualties...
The Dorn tank is destroyed, and the Imperium forces are retiring what's left, quickly...
The Bullgryns remain as rearguard (successfully bringing down numerous Bad Moon Boyz) as another unit of Marines pulls back. The Bullgryns will lose one of their members before they destroy the Bad Moon Nobz...
The last Marines are blasted out of the hotel as the Dorn burns...
The Mek with the Shokk Cannon begins to move up...
Deff Dread drawing a bead on some Space Marines...
Bad Moon Scrapjet and SquigBuggy take down 4 of 5 Marines on another street...
After eliminating two of the Marines, the Deff Dread and some Boyz are advancing...
At the Town Center Square, (note the Baneblade at top) after the Contemptor Dreadnaught took out some of the newly arrived Blood Axes, a second Deff Dread takes it down...
That same Baneblade lays down devastating Heavy Bolter fire into a building some Boyz were traveling through scoring numerous hits (7 out of 11!)...
At the bottom, the Scrapjet slams into the Bullgryns, taking one down! (tough buggers they) At the top, the Deff Dread, the surviving Boyz from previous shot along with the Blood Moon Boss, Uthak Blackhawk, charge the Marines inflicting more casualties...
The Evil Sunz Stompa advances up the main boulevard fighting the Baneblade all the way. Marines cut down some of the Boyz crossing an intersection as an Ork Mechnak is trying to reach the Stompa for much needed repairs ...
View from behind the Stompa showing the damage (26 pts from some extremely accurate fire in only two rounds from the BaneBlade) as some Tank Busta Boyz move up to take the afore-mentioned Baneblade under fire...
At the Square, two Trukkz loaded with Blood Axes (a large Mob of 20 Boyz) close in on the Marines. But the Baneblade made short work of the Deff Dread...
The Baneblade has suffered damage as well, having only 8 hits remaining to it, although there is a Tech Priest alongside ready to do some repair work...
Ork artillery is going to be needed against that Baneblade if the Stompa doesn't survive. From left to right there is a Lobba, a BubbleKannon, a Smasha, and a Mek with a Shokk Cannon. At the left side you can just make out a Grot MegaTank (still fighting as the sole survivor from the first wave) and some more Blood Axe Boyz...
The Baneblade and Stompa exchanged fire, but both remained standing. Then the Stompa charged into melee, and with an incredible result. Two possible wounds were placed on the Baneblade, each worth 10 points. Two saves were necessary as the Baneblade only had ten hits remaining. Only one was made, then a roll for internal explosion was made...and it failed! The explosion caused too much damag on the Stompa, and it failed its roll, and it too exploded! The Ork War Boss and his MegaNob bodyguard were just outside the blast zone, and so survived (seen just above the right-shoulder of the Stompa)...
As the two titan warmachines were vaporized, the Blood Angels charged the lead Blood Axe trukks, inflicting half the damage to destroy. The Boyz then used their turn to detrukk and charge themselves! Note the Grot MegaTank on the left, the only Ork unit remaining from the first wave...
On the right flank, the Deff Dread joined the Scrapjet fighting the Bullgryuns, and they succeeded in dropping a second Bullgryn. Uthak Blackhawk then finished off two last Marines in this sector...
Before its final charge, the Stompa let loose with its Supa-Gatler (with its 20 shots!) and devastated a large Guard unit...
The Grot MegaTank lashed out at another Guard unit...
With nothing left to the defenders on the right, the Ork reinforcements have no enemies to face...
And on the left, 'Greenskin" artillery continues to pound the defenders!

The game suddenly had a massive change. The War Boss lost control of his battered army. Having never entered combat himself, (which for Orks is a disgrace!), and lossing his Stompa, he was challenged and killed by Uthak Blackhawk following the army's fallback from the walls of Noctorious! What will happened next?


Friday, January 31, 2025

The Attack Continues...

 On the left of the Greenskins' attack, the Wartrike smashes into the defenders as a Boyz Mob follows...

On the Ork right flank, some Boyz (back-up by the heavily damaged Battlewagon) take on the Space Marines and casualties are taken by both sides...
Back on the left, the Chimera and defenders finally finish off the Wartrike as well as some more Boyz...
The Space Marines on the left make a tactical withdraw as a Deff Dredd moves up with some Speed Boyz vehicles entering the city...
The Boyz on the left take a pounding, but they finish off the Skitarii...
As the Battlewagon finally is destroyed, some nearby defending IG troops are nearly destroyed...
The Mechanicus Kastelan makes short work of the remaining Boyz on the left...
More of the ladz are moving up on the left to keep up the assault now that any breach has been made...
Some Boyz from the Bad Moon Clan is moving up to the original breach with a Mega Dredd just entering the city...
Da BigBoss with some of his Nobz is arriving on scene...
Much is going on now at the center of the field, with a Deff Dredd charging the LeMan Russ, the Dragsta putting some fire down on more IG, and the Megatrakk Scrapjet tackles the last Sentinel......
The Imperirum Counterattack strikes on the right, as six Bullgryns tear into some Boyz and a Deff Dredd...
A closeup of the action...
Fighting gets very congested on the left, as Grot Tanks, a Trukk unloads some Bad Moon Snagga Boyz and the Grot MegaTanks go in...
The MegaDredd destroys the Kastelan on the left as well...
While the Ork Dragsta gets itself smashed, the Deff Dredd destroys the LeMan Russ and then charges the guns!
Some of the Boyz helping out their SpeedFreak buddies...
With his Boyz destroyed, the Nob does what an Ork should do...Waaarg!
Another Nob goes down against the Bulgryns, but the Deff Dredd eliminates one of them as well...
The Nob is finished off but he takes down some Marines...
In the center the Deff Dredd destroys two guns and their crews, then turns on some more men of the Imperium...
The Marines and Bulgryns take down the Deff Dredd on the right, as another Sentinel moves up...
Also on the right, a massive Gorkanaut makes its presence felt...
The Sentinel is destroyed with the Scrapjet having taken considerable damage...
On the left, the Chimera is destroyed but two GrotTanks go up in a roar as well. The Boyz do take down the Commissar as the Imperium forces are getting rather rare in the area. Some SquigRiders have entered the city (lower right)...
In the center, an Imperium Rogal Dorn and another Chimera have reinforced the defenders, but it is a blast from the mighty Blaneblade (off-table above) firing down the main avenue that completely destroys the Deff Dredd...
As they move to attack the defenders, some of the Boyz take heavy casualties while the SquigBuggy (off camera to right) nearly destroys the defenders at the top of the building...
As those surviving Boyz take even more losses, the SquidBuggy, and the Gorkanaut destroy the defenders in one building as well as those pesky mortars...
The Mega Dredd charges a Krieg unit while the Bad Moon Beast Snagga Boyz are themselves wiped out by a Chemical weapon carried by a Chimera...
The Imperium forces destroy the Mega Dredd, but not before it and some Squid Riders destroy the Krieg force. The Chimera has also taken some serious hits (note the green die lower left marking its hits)...
More Ork reinforcements arriving in the city (bottom) include a scratch-built truck and a Deff Dredd...
The Space Marines destroy the SquidBuggy which had given the defenders so much trouble while the Gorkanaut charges the Rogal Dorn tank. It scores three hits on the tank which could've blasted it with 18 hits, but the Imperium player rolls 3x sixes as its saves! The Gorkanaut will need the initiative on the next turn to survive, as it has only three remaining hits left...
Da Big Boss (bottom) enters the city behind a Megatrakk Scrapjet while a Bad Moon Mob (right edge) advances...
to be continued...