Thursday, November 16, 2023

"The Beach"

 So one of the ships carrying the American troops to Vera Cruz, has instead, literally dropped onto a beach in the Alternative Yucatan. A rough barricade was thrown up, just in time in fact...

The view from the sea (that is an old Constitution model that I stripped the masts etc to form a wreck)...
Silently, Holcano tribesmen (Mayan?) moved up to the jungles edge, to begin launching their deadly arrows on to the unsuspecting Americans...
The first Grik appear as they begin their charge from the jungle (they are the evolved dinosaurs on this 'other" Earth...
A closeup of the Grik...
Then a lot more Grik emerge...
The American's 6 lbers and muskets open fire dropping the first Grik...
Whole ranks of Griks are being shot down, but more strep out of the jungle...
Many Grik are down, but their charge is getting closer and closer...
The first Grik make it to the barricade, while Holcano arrows are inflicting U.S. casualties (notice the wounded being moved to the rear of the fighting line)...
The fighting is getting intense at the apex of the American line...
Closer view...
The Grik are on top of the barricade! They are simply ignoring their losses...
The Americans devastate the right wing of the Grik forces...
The breach at the Apex is sealed (at least for now)...
Despite the U.S. losses, the Grik withdraw as reinforcements arrive to same the beleaguered Americans...
A very enjoyable game! If you like Alternative Historicals, i highly recommend the Artillerymen series which is a prequel to an even larger (and great) series (the Destroyermen)


Alternate History: The Artillerymen

If you like reading Alternative History novels, I highly recommend  Destroyermen and its prequel, The Artillerymen. The latter tells of American soldiers on their way to Vera Cruz during the Mexican-American War when they are mysteriously transported to a parallel planet Earth. This new Earth, among other things, has seen dinosaurs evolve into intelligent life, called the Grik. Another twist, is a culture based around the Spanish conquistadors melding with central American cultures into a bloody Holy Dominion Kingdom. The Americans find themselves deposited into what we would call the Yucatan, where they are attacked by Grik and Holy Dominion allies, the Holcano (Mayan tribe).

American soldiers representing Volunteers and Regulars from the book...

The real heroes of the novels, American Artillery...
The 'official' commander of the Americans on the beach, Major Reed...
Captain Anson of the Texas Rangers...
Lt Lara, commander of a small Mexican Lancer unit transported to the strange world as well...
Some of Anson's Rangers...
These are some of the hideous cannibalistic Grik...
More Grik, these armed with weapons...
Up next, the Battle on the Beach...