Saturday, September 30, 2023

German Invasion of Denmark: 4/09/40

This game was actually played way back in April, but following my purchase of an historical property in Victor Colorado, and weeks of work in the building, Im finally returning to my blog.

This is the view from over the Danish defensive position. This contains one squad of a bicycle platoon tasked with defending the border region. The German armored/mechanized (yes, tanks and armored cars against bicycle troops!) is seen approaching form the top-left corner.

Showing the left hand squads (x2) on the left of the Danish position...

After taking initial fire from the Danes (top/photo), the Germans quickly unload to begin their assault while a PZ I deploys to the right and two AC and a Pz II remain on the road...
Spotting the heavy Danish MG after it opened fir on the German column, MG fire from the AC causes the Danish crew to become Shaken (Yellow Cap)...
Facing only MG fire from the Danes, the German Pz II crashes into the Danish line along the edge of the wood. Nothing the Danes can do...
Two German M/C crews are shot down as they lead the rest of the column down the road. MG and rifles cannot be expected to stop armor, but that is the situation these Danes found themselves on the morning of 9 April.

This game was more of an attempt to play out the wonderful Danish film 9 April as anything else. Despite the complete inequality in terms of game play, it turned out to be a fun exercise.


Thursday, April 27, 2023

A Song of Fire and Ice

I purchased both the Boardgame and the Lannister/Stark Starter set several years ago, did a little bit of painting, then put it aside. Having recently watched the Series House of Dragons, and putting me into that frame of my, I brought out the figures and began painting again. The Club is actually going to try the Boardgame this Wednesday and so perhaps the figs will come into use.

Here is the Starks, (l-r) Catelyn, Robb, Grey Wind, and Sansa...

Greatjon Umber and some of his Berserkers...
The heart of the Stark forces, the Sworn Swords...
Finally, a few Outriders...
These represent the Stark miniatures found in the above mentioned Starter Set. Next up will be the Lannister.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

9.April The Film and the Battle

 For anyone who has interest in WWII, this Danish film is a must see. The production includes authentic uniforms, weapons and tactics. You can watch bicycle troops armed with LMG and rifles try to stop an armored column consisting of Sdkfz 221s, a 223, PZ I and PzII! Later in film, you can see a M/C sidecar 20mm a/t gun hit a Pz II and so on. The story is the little known German invasion of Denmark in 1940, where the 'fighting' only lasted a few hours, some of which took place after the government itself surrendered (as also shown in film). It is well worth your time.

Great Escape Games has recently introduced their line of Danish troops, and it looks like it was taken right from the movie. You have infantry, motorcycles, dismounted m/c troops, and supporting weapons. The gang is going to recreate several of the movie scenes on our table in a couple of weeks, and some of the early figures have been completed. Please excuse the shiny effect of the photos, they are indeed matt-finish but I needed to use a flash...

This is Great Escape's Command Pack, with (l-r) Lojtnant, Batman, 2ndLojtnant, and NCO...

                                                                        Rifle Grenadiers...

                                                                            Sniper Team

                                                                        LMG Team
LMG Squad. These figures along with the LMG Team in previous photo. make up a Squad Pack...

The LMG Team with Tripod. This weapon features as highly important in the initial battle in the film...

Dismounted Motorcyclists will be up next...

Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Bund: 1920s Shanghai

 Its been a long time since I've added to my Blog. I purchased ahistorical building in Victor Colorado which I've been working on, but thats another story. Reading a series of books written by Howard Turk inspired me to recreate Shanghai's famous Bund in 3D. Years ago, I produced a diorama in 2D that reached over 40 feet. For now I have recreated a total of seven of the 22 buildings located along the Whangpoo/Huangpu River.

Starting at the southern end of the Bund (near the French Concession of the early 20th Century), we see (from left to right) the McBain/Asia Building; the Shanghai Club (home to the famous Long Bar); Union Building; anf the NKK Building...

Closeups; McBain:
Shanghai Club:
the Union Building:
the NKK Building:
Moving north up to the heart of the Bund. (l-r) Bank of Taiwan; the North China Daily News Building; the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China; the Palace Hotel;
Again, some closeups. Bank of Taiwan and the North China Daily News:
Chartered Bank:
and finally (for now) the Palace Hotel:
To the right of the last photo you can see some of my 2D printouts of the various buildings architectural drawings I originally downloaded and sized to my chosen 28mm scale.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Battle of Raate Road, Jan 1, 1940

 The Winter War, waged between Finland and the Soviet Union is a fascinating struggle, a 'David vs Goliath' if there ever was one. This fight, which was staged along a road in central Finland, resulted in a tremendous victory for the outnumbered Finns. 

I have no Action Report, but here are three photos following the game.

This is taken at the head of the column, belonging to the 44th Soviet Division. The Finns (top photo), have already wiped out several tanks and Armored Cars, along with a full Platoon of Soviet troops...

At the middle of the column, the Finns took out more tanks (T26s) and AC, while destroying three Platoons of Soviet infantry and the Company HQ (all that is left is the command car, left of center on road)...
At the tail of the column, the story was the same, although Soviet resistance here was more spirited than elsewhere. More destroyed T26s, and AC, with numerous prisoners (top left) heading off into the woods and captivity...
During the 'battle'. the Finns lost a total of 18 figures. Soviet losses amounted to 125 KIA; 12 POWs; 7 T26s destroyed and one captured); 2 Light AC destroyed and 4 captured; and 3 Heavy AC destroyed, and two captured. All and all, it illustrated quite well how this fight turned out!

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Caldwell's Division Goes In

 As the Rebs in the Wheatfield retire, more of Caldwell's men (left-center) deploy for their attack...

In the struggle north of Stoney Hill, both the Federals and Rebs exchange casualties, but Caldwell is bringing more men...
At the Wentz's Farms, Barksdale drives more men of Graham's men away (left-center, yellow cap)...
As Wilcox's Brigade inflicts further casualties on the Federals at the Kringle Farm, they become disordered as the result of Reaction Fire...
The men from Florida (Perry Brigade) inflict their first casualty on the defending Federals around the Rogers Farm...

Back at Sherfy Farm, Barksdale's men finish off another stand of Federals (left center)...
Carr's Brigade moves into the Wheatfield, but to their right, the Federals, until artillery and musket fire, become disordered...  
However, Wilcox's Brigade fails their morale, and disordered, retreats...
Completing the 20th turn, Wright's Confederate Brigade comes under effective artillery fire and becomes disordered...
Fire again, is exchanged in the Wheatfield...
Both around the Stoney Hill, the Rebs drive off some of Zook's men...
Fighting and losses continue at the Peach Orchard/Wenzt Farm...
Wilcox's Brigade reforms which won't bode well for the Federals...
Perry's Brigade inflicts more casualties on the Yanks around Rogers Farm...
Back at the Wheatfield, Carr's men, along with supporting artillery, eliminate a weakened stand belonging to Law (hidden in woods at center)...
As Zook brings up more men to pint blank range, Rebel fire despite the close range, is ineffective!
The Yanks lose their own weakened stand at the Wentz Farm to Barksdale's men...
More casualties at the Roger's Farm, yet both sides stand their ground...
Well, unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), this story ends. The table has been occupied by this massive game since August, and it needs to move on. It certainly showed me how historical events appeared by putting it up on the gaming table. So, hope all your games go well...or at least you have fun because that what its all about

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Longstreet Strikes North, Part III

The fight in the Wheatfield is heating up (again!)  as both sides take casualties...

Some of Wofford's men reform after passing through the Rose Farm, while more Confederate troops are coming up...
Confederate artillery positions itself at the Emmittsburg/Wheatfield Road intersection. Barksdale's 21 Miss loses men and becomes Shaken (yellow cap)...
Wilcox's Brigade is extending the Rebel battleline to the north, as the Federals at the Klingle Farm, (top center)  attempt to halt the assault...
As Blue and Grey exchange fire near the Rodger's Farm, yet another Confederate Brigade (Wright) further extends their line...
The Federals of Carr's Brigade, win their fight with the Rebs at the northern edge of the Wheatfield (upper right). Further to the west, fire is exchanged with newly arrived Federals...
As the 21 Miss now is routing (red cap), new Federal troops exchange fire with the rest of Barksdale's men as losses mount for both...
The Union troops north of the Wentz Farm are holding...barely, as they are taking heavy casualties. he two Federal Batteries are beginning to worry as their infantry support seems to be melting away (their ineffective fire despite good ranges may explain some of that) ...
More to come...