Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Lost World

Finally getting a posting and I've chosen a new adventure to take place in our Alternate Colonial Hstory campaign. I have created an fictional continent whose setting is 1880, including Africa and Asia with many of the historical nations, cultures and tribes. Members of the club are playing the various Imperial Powers of the time, inc USA, Belgium, Britian, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Russia, and Spain. Players received a budget (in Pounds naturally) to invest in troops, weapons, etc and then landed by steamship along the coast. A more involved description will be coming later as honestly, I wanted to get something posted.

A Jurrassic Park-type setting with the brave adventurers in the foreground. They are looking for the source of some diamonds found many miles down stream that lead out of this hidden valley.

Here are our intrepid explorers led by Lord Salisbury there in the center. Captain MacIntosh is ready to serve God and Queen (not necessarily in that order)! Looks like Private Lindsey got cut out of the photo to the right. Only his bayonet is visible! 

Stay turned for the adventure!

Jan 24: So finally the adventure begins. On Turn 1, our intrepid explorers begin their trek over the ridge into the lost valley.

"By jove, your Lordship, what are those beasts!"
"I think some are calling them dinosaurs or some such thing. I've got to bag one to bring to the Academy. They'll never believe me otherwise"
"Can you drop one of those monsters your Lordship? They look awfully large!"
"I'll go after that smallish one to our front. For Queen and Country Captain!

Turn 2: Lord Salisbury, Captain MacIntosh and two privates venture in for a closer shot, leaving the sergeant with the remainder of the party. Salisbury fires and hits the Nigersaurus (and naturally he has no idea what it is).

Does damage but the shot spooks the creature which turns to flee. The party gives chase...
Turn 4 and Salisbury realizes he probably has one last shot before the creature escapes. He lets loose at the far end of medium range...and he hits and drops the beast!
On Turn 5, the men close in on the trophy...but what is that noise coming from off there in the distance?

"Gads, that doesn't look friendly Your Lordship!"

Turn 7: the T-Rex(of course!) moves to the downed prey. Easy meal here.
"That beast is not getting my kill. I'll get him too!"
Turn 8: Salisbury lets loose and strikes the T-Rex...but it only seems to anger it, and he charges! MacIntosh fires his pistol bravely at the oncoming monster as do both soldiers. All hit the creature but it still comes on!

Turn 9: Sadly one of Her Majesty's finest sees the end of his days!
One look sends private Lindsey running for his life!
Salisbury and MacIntosh grimly hold their ground while Sergeant Preston and the other men blaze away...and T-Rex is staggering!
Turn 10: Salisbury gets one more shot...and the beast is down! What they will say at the Club!
So a nice fun little adventure, (except for one certain private!) More perils await.

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