Tuesday, September 23, 2014

France, 1914

 Somewhere on the northern plains of France, German forces are closing in on the Franco-British allies. First view is from the north with the village of Villiers on left and town of Gemappe in upper right. Can make out two German cavalry detachments at either end of the road which runs east to west. There is French cavalry in upper left with Britsh cavalry and infantry in upper right:
Reversing the view,  now from the south. British cavalry in lower left with French in lower right and Germans at top:
Next is view of the battlefield from the west with a good view of Gemappe in center. The first British infantry Battalion is marching on the board in lower right:
Two veiws of German cavalry in the NE corner of board passing through Villiers:

Now to the Germans in the NW corner, having just cut through the local farmer's field:

Now the French in the SE corner:

Last but not least, the British in the SW corner:
Again, with the first initial infantry on the board, seen upper left:
Hope to continue with the AAR soon. Thanks for visiting!