Wednesday, September 24, 2014

France, 1914: The Battle Begins!

As the initial phases will be played solitaire, some moves may seem strange, but I leave decisions up to die rolls, such as when to charge, countercharge etc.

The German Cavalry on the left spots approaching French Cavalry (just in view at top center) and deploys :
And on the German right, they too see advancing Cavalry, this time British (barely seen at top):
German Infantry arriving on the right flank (don't think the French farmer is going to be happy!):
But there is a long line of British troops also moving onto the board, here in the SW corner (that is Gemappe at the top. German Cavalry are to the left. Can just make out British Cavalry top center, entering Gemappe):
The French too, make their appearance, on the SE corner (sorry, should have retaken this photo):
The first clash is just south of Villiers, as the French Cavalry launch a charge and just make contact! (16" on road) but the German commander chooses to remain stationary! (my random roll) Incredibly, even with a +2 charge bonus, both French Troopers go down in melee! (Simple rules: for each figure in contact, x1 d6 is rolled, best roll inflicts casualty):
 The Germans attack the spent French column and lose their first casualty. However, they take down x3 French! Terrible fortunes of war for the French:
Meanwhile, over on the German right flank, a messenger is sent posthaste to hurry up the German Infantry, while their Cavalry choose not to charge the advancing Brits in the center of Gemappe (Notice the British Infantry column top right):
Germans get initiative (Start of turn each side rolls a d6, and high rolls goes first. Losers get a +1 each time on next chance) and continue their assault on the French troopers. This time, 2 more are dispatched with no loss to themselves:
While the German Cavalry is finishing off their opponents, the German Infantry push into Villiers:
French Infantry too are approaching. The retreating French Cavalry can be seen coming towards them (left of center):
Finally (at least for now), additional German Infantry are tearing down farm fences to begin their deployment (Way to win the hearts and minds!):
To be continued!

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