Meanwhile, on the Northern side, one Juarista unit failed to activate while the second drew first blood on the French, dropping a FFL in the Hacienda. The small group of FFL inside, got revenge by nailing one Juarista inside and outside...
Finally on the East, again, one Juarista unit failed to activate, while the remaining two charged the gap in the wall. The FFL fired and got three more Juaristas...
Round Two saw two Juarista units in the West, fail to activate. The remaining three continued their charge, with one reaching cover of the wall. The FFL dropped five more Juaristas...
In the north, the Juarista unit recovered from its Pin, only to lose another casualty and become Pinned again! The Juaristas in the Hacienda, got one more FFL who missed any hits on the unit inside...
Ending the Round, on the East the Juarista unit recovered from its Pin, while one failed to activate. The final unit charged close to the wall. The FFL nailed three more...
For the Third Round, in the West, two of the Juaristas failed to activate! One fired again ineffectively while the three remaining units charged, but killed only one FFL in melee. The FFL devastated their enemy this round, dropping 11 Juaristas including two officers...
Over on the Northern front, one Juarista unit recovered from its Pin, while the second in the Hacienda took down one FFL while losing one of their own...
On the East, one Juarista unit failed to activate (even though they were safe from French fire close to the wall!). Another charged towards the wall while the third (only two men left) retreated to the trees. The FFL successfully eliminated three more Juaristas...
Round Four in the West saw a Juarista disaster as one unit simply broke from the battlefield!(second photo) One further unit was completely destroyed and two others failed to remove their Pin! The only good news was the last unit charging successfully only to be driven off, (on left) but with no casualties. The FFL suffered no loss...
A little better result on the North, as The Juaristas outside the Hacienda, charged into melee. While they lost two and were driven off, they brought down another FFL (This FFL unit has lost four men!)...
And in the East, two Juarista units charged into melee, one following the other (just as the commander wanted), however they inflicted on one FFL casualty while they lost 4, and were forced to retreat...
Round Five began on the West side with two Juarista units failing to activate while another recovered from its Pin. The FFL managed to inflict two more casualties...
In the Hacienda in the North, one Juarista recovered its Pin outside, however, the FFL inflicted four casualties on the unit inside...
The Eastern sector was basically inactive, while one Juarista unit failed to activate and the second recovered from its Pin. The FFL volley failed to connect at all!
Round Six in the West saw the Juarista commander frustrated with all of the Pins. Two failed to recover and the third failed to activate! Only the single Juarista fell back to regroup...
The Juaristas finally found some success in their assault, this in the East. While one unit failed to activate, the other close to the wall used its cover to rush the smashed gate. Although they inflicted only one FFL casualty, they suffered none in return and so pushed the FFL away from the barricade and they stormed inside! The French volleyed on their activation and dropped three, but the Juaristas didnt Pin, and whats more, they did not fall back out of the compound! The next round could be critical...
Round Seven in the Northern sector saw one Juarista unit fail to recover its Pin while a second, charged the northern gateway and dropped one FFL but lost four (inc one officer) in return and was forced to retreat.
The FFL fired on the two small Juarista units and wiped out all three of the remaining men (bottom center).
In the North, the Juarista unit charged into melee in the hacienda, eliminated two FFL vs losing one. This forced the FFL into retreat with a Pin! The FFL unit on its turn did recover its Pin...
Finally in the East, it looked like the Juarista good luck from the previous turn was about to turn when the FFL received the first activation. It only needed a roll of five...and the French threw a four! No activation! But then the Juarista charged, losing four while the FFL lost two. The Juaristas were forced to retire and received a Pin. Oh well...
Beginning Round Eight, there wasn't really a lot left for the Juarista commander to do. The unit protected by the wall did recover its Pin (upper left) and the second fell back towards the trees (lower right) . The FFL simply moved one man from the reserve to each of the units guarding the gateways...
The fighting within the hacienda saw the Juarista unit forced to retire with a Pin, although it did recover on its turn...
Finally, in the East, the lone officer recovered from his Pin while the second failed and continue to retire. (upper left)..
At this point, the Juarista commander decided to call off any further attacks until his men could be regrouped and reinforced, and so the fight came to an end. As did occur historically, the Juaristas lost heavily (over 60 figures) while the FFL lost only 11. It was a fun engagement.
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