Saturday, July 17, 2021

A Bad Week for the French, Another Merchant is Taken

 As Don Antonio and Flotilla drew close to the approaches of Havana, they were surprised to see a French-Flagged Brig (bottom) heading their way! Don Antonio has his three ships (His Sloop in upper left) spread out so as to give the Frenchmen no way to bypass him...

The Crew aboard Don Antonio's Sloop prepare for what should be a short engagement...
Close-up of crew with Don Antonio left of center in a red coat surrounded by his Soldados...
Flying no flag initially, Don Antonio's crew successfully tacks twice into the wind and draw closer...
Attempting to slip by the now identified Spanish vessel is the Frenchmen's only possible avenue of escape with two other ships (Barks not on table) on his port and starboard beams...But the Spanish Sloop again successfully tacks and then grapples! 
As soon as some Piqueros Milicianos jump aboard, the French Marins gvie up.
A totally bloodless coup. The Brig, her Captain and crew are sailed into Havana harbor. Don Antonio's Flotilla just got bigger!!!

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