Sunday, February 27, 2022

Test of Honor:16th Century, Age of Sengoku

 The group has played several games based on the Test of Honor system. A possibility of a campaign has led me to restart painting my troops.

The following, from left to right includes the Clans of: Uesugi; Shimazu; Hojo; and Takeda. They show (from front to back for each) Samurai, Ashigaru Yari (spearmen), Yumi (bowmen), and Tempo (arquebus). These figures are from Footsore, Perry, and AW Miniatures.

A closeup of some Ashigaru, all from AW Miniatures...
Some Ashigaru holding Nodori 
The famous Daimyo Takeda Shingen, (Perry Miniatures)  the 'Tiger of Kai'...
The final photos (for now) are several very old samurai (from the 1980s), in fact so old I don't even remember their manufacturers. Fortunately the craftsmen making our miniatures today have come a long way!...
Four more Clans including (l-r): Chosokobe; Date; Mori; and Oda...

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