Sunday, May 26, 2024

Space Hulk: A Trial Run

 Back in 2019, I staged a massive 3D Space Hulk Campaign (44'x4'), but that is already five years ago! The gaming group as begun to revisit this exciting idea by trying out a small test game. The mission consists of 5x Blood Angel Assault Terminators; 5x Ultramarines Terminators; a Magos Priest; Skitarii Marshal; and 10x Skitarii. As is usual when eating a Hulk, archaeotech is being searched for. The actual tiles are not placed down on the table until a visual has been made by the Space Marine party, keeping the suspension live...

Three corridors are being explored and no hostiles have registered...

Two connecting rooms (upper left) have been cleared of Tormagants at no cost to the Marines...
A minor disaster has occurred. Skitarri opened a door and were rushed by more Tormagants. They took numerous losses...
Another door opened and more terrors exposed...
The Marines take their first loss as Tormagansts take down a Blood Angel...
The Mission completed as the large but nonoperative lift is discovered...

With this game behind us, a Narrative is being prepared for a Mini-Campaign that I envision Space Hulk, Necromunda and Genestealer Cults, and even a full blown Tyranid invasion!  

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