Sunday, December 29, 2024

An Orkish Army for 40K

 Before the next battle report, take a closer look at the 'Greenskins' and their incredibly amusing/fun/enjoying forces...

A Runtherder and his Gretchins (and a pet Squig). What army has a bunch of little 'runts' who can run amuck...

Then a whole bunch of Boyz (each lead by a Nobz)...

Some Beasty Boyz...
Gotta have a Mob Boss and his Nobz Guardz...
And what's a Ork Army without some toyz, like a Wartrike...
Along with some Bikerz...
More 'toyz', a Shokkjump Dragsta...
A Kustom Boosta-blasta...
Then a Megatrakk Scrapjet...
Two views of the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy, because there are so many fun little additions on this model...

Next up are a collection of Grot Tankz...

That brings up the Grot Mega Tank...

Have to be able to move em Boyz quickly, so there's the Trukk...
Then, there is the massive Bonebreaka...
Two Deff Dreadz, left is the vintage, right is the current...
A Mega Dread...
Of course, what Orkish Army goes w/o a Gorkanaut...
A Big Mek with his favorite toy, a Shokk Attack Gun...
Finally, the Big Warboss in his Mega Armor (second from right), along with some of his Meganobz...
The Boyz and their Mega Battle comes next...

Thursday, December 19, 2024

First Contact!

 It was determined to begin the campaign was to stop a Orkish advance on an important Mechanicus Manufactum on the approach to the Hive City Noctorius. Several Imperial Guard (IG) platoons were rapidly landed at the site, literally just before a Orkish reconnaissance force was spotted (top of photo)...

A closeup of the right wing Guard position (note the Lascannon position top center)...
The Orks consisted of 2x Boyz mobs led by a group of Grechins with their Runtherder (the bystander was really interested in the game despite his expression caught on camera)...
The Orks score a lucky long range shot and draw first blood...
A second IG trooper goes down on the right flank...
Some Grenchin join their Ork friends as casualties...
More Orks are put down...
The Orks are flailing to score more hits, but the IG is on target again...
The scouting party is taking serious losses with no noticeable return except for a lascannon...
The Grenchin and their Runtherder are eliminated although they did score one hit...
The Orks had had enough with their abysmal 'shootas' and went all in with a charge and it struck home! A full squad is massacred on the left flank! The Greenskins learn to trust their 'choppas'...
On the right flank, the surviving Orks don't do as much damage...
A second round on that flank causes the IG squad some serious casualties but support is coming up against the lone Greenskin survivor...
The brace IG troopers bring the big Orc down!
Back on the left, it is much more touch and go for the Guard. The second squad too, is wiped out, leaving only an officer and lascannon standing...
But the Guard prevails, and the Scouting party is eliminated...
The Emperor prevails!

Thursday, December 12, 2024

A New Chapter: The Imperium Draws a Line

A deciding factor for the Imperium forgoing additional forces to fight for Ieaid, was the threat imposed by an Ork Invasion of the next planet inside the Scarus Sector outlying region. That planet was the Hive World of Ulant, of much higher value to the Imperium. Knowing that the Tyranids would eventually target Ulant as well, resources were called to bolster the defenses. Even before more support could be placed planetside, an Ork Blocking Fleet would have to be dealt with...

Intelligence gathered learned that much of the Ork Invasion Fleet had moved on. Remaining above Ulant, was the following: one Rok; one KillKroser; one Terror Ship; one Light Kroser; and assorted escort vessels.

The Imperial Navy now concentrated ships from throughout the Sector. These consisted of a Retribution Class Battleship; a Space Marine Strike Cruiser from the Chapter; three Light Cruisers and three escorts...
The Imperial Navy (IN) drew first blood by pounding the Rok...
The Ork Ram ships lost half their number on approach, but succeeded in destroying one of the IN Lt Cruisers (note the x3 Blast markers of the lost vessel)...
The IN however quickly gained the upper hand by destroying the KillKroser and the Rok along with most of the Ork escorts. The Strike Cruiser (green vessel) closes in on the Terror Ship (lower right)...
With the destruction of their Terror Ship, the Ork Lt Krooser and the few remaining escorts decide to withdraw to safer climes. The IN is victorious! The Emperor Protects! Troops may now deploy to Planetside...