Sunday, December 29, 2024

An Orkish Army for 40K

 Before the next battle report, take a closer look at the 'Greenskins' and their incredibly amusing/fun/enjoying forces...

A Runtherder and his Gretchins (and a pet Squig). What army has a bunch of little 'runts' who can run amuck...

Then a whole bunch of Boyz (each lead by a Nobz)...

Some Beasty Boyz...
Gotta have a Mob Boss and his Nobz Guardz...
And what's a Ork Army without some toyz, like a Wartrike...
Along with some Bikerz...
More 'toyz', a Shokkjump Dragsta...
A Kustom Boosta-blasta...
Then a Megatrakk Scrapjet...
Two views of the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy, because there are so many fun little additions on this model...

Next up are a collection of Grot Tankz...

That brings up the Grot Mega Tank...

Have to be able to move em Boyz quickly, so there's the Trukk...
Then, there is the massive Bonebreaka...
Two Deff Dreadz, left is the vintage, right is the current...
A Mega Dread...
Of course, what Orkish Army goes w/o a Gorkanaut...
A Big Mek with his favorite toy, a Shokk Attack Gun...
Finally, the Big Warboss in his Mega Armor (second from right), along with some of his Meganobz...
The Boyz and their Mega Battle comes next...

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