Saturday, March 15, 2025

The Shrines of Saint Ioastas

 The Imperials learned that an Ork raiding party was heading towards the twin shrines of St. Ioastas which were being restored by the Adeptas Sororistas. A force of Guardsmen and Imperial Fists were scratched together to stop them.

St. Ioastas Rising (left) and St. Ioastas Ascendant (right) with mountains in the background...

Section of the Sororistas in St. Ioastas Rising...

The second detachment holding St. Ioastas Ascendant...
The Blood Axes lead by their Boss Bloody Clawhand (right)...
The Sisters drop some Orks, but the tide is pushing closer...
The 'Greenskins' swamp the Sisters attempting to hold St. Ioastas Rising...
The Iron Fists pushing forward over a dangerous bridge...
The Fists commence pounding the Orks pushing past St. Ioastas Rising...
The Guardsmen detachment carried by a Chimera arrives, and takes down half the Blood Axe Snagga Boyz! But the other half slam into the tank and inflict 8 pts of damage...
As the two surviving Sisters withdraw inside the 'Ascendant' Shrine, the Guardsmen and Orks decimate each other while the Chimera is down to two pts remaining...
The Fists and Orks are exchanging casualties...
Only six Fists remain...
The lat Guardsmen and Sororistas go down beneath the murderous Orkish blows. Both Shrines will now be desecrated!

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