Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Jul 2, 1863: Longstreet's attack begins...

 Longstreet had been ordered by General Lee, CnC of the Army of Northern Virginia, to attack the Federal III Corps (General Sickles commanding) stationed on the Union Left Flank. The original orders were for his troops to advance up the Emmittsburg Road, however Sickles had (W/O General Meade's permission! [CnC of Federal Army of the Potomac]) moved his men forward to occupy the Peach Orchard and leave the Round Tops unguarded. Hood's Brigade started off around 4PM. They were met by skirmish fire from the 2 US Sharpshooters...

Robertson's Texas Brigade and part of Law's, advanced and poured a heavy volley into the skirmishers, dropping two (green caps, right of center)...
Additional 2USSS and Smith's NY Battery above Devil's Den, began pouring fire into the advancing Rebs. No casualties, but the Reb's lines are disordered crossing fences etc. The Left Wing of Robertson's Brigade (1 Tex and 3 Ark) are advancing (left center)..
The portion of the 2USSS withdrawing towards Big Round Top score a casualty on Law's men. BTW, since I'm trying out this scenario soltaire, all game decisions are being made historically, at least as well as we have records...
The Confederates used their actions to cross the fences and then reform, while Ward's Brigade (along with the Sharpshooters and Smith's 4 guns, inflict the first casualty on Robertson's 5 Texas. notice that the left wing of his Brigade (with 1 Tex and 3 Ark) have separated with part of Law's Brigade moving to fill the gap. This confusion with greatly affect Confederate coordination (or lack thereof) throughout the day...
A Robertson's left wing approaches, 1 Tex and 3 Ark further separate as the 3 Ark faces Union troops to the north while 1 Tex advanced on Houck's Ridge and Devil's Den. The Reb's volley is ineffective. The Yankee return volley along with canister fire, drop two and cause the Texans to become shaken (yellow cap)...
In this view from the North, with the Peach Orchard in center, Federal artillery fire on the Confederate flank has been ineffective so far. The struggle for Houck's Ridge is off left of photo..
More casualties are suffered by 3 Ark who fall back as well as the Shaken Texans. Robertson's right flank in moving into the 'Valley of Death' (Plum Run between Little Round Top and Houck's Ridge, while part of Law's Brigade is moving on Devil's Den. The Rebs pour volleys into Ward's men but very poor die rolls are again ineffective...
On Big Round Top, the 2 USSS withdraws before Law's advancing right wing...
With Robertson's right wing in the 'Valley of Death' on left, Law's right wing (at top) is pivoting towards Little Round Top (to the left)...
Law's men finally drive off Yankee regiment in Devil's Den and Benning's support Brigade is moving up. They take a casualty from Ward's Brigade...
Hood's fourth Brigade (Anderson) is advancing on Rose's Woods (left)...
The struggle for Little Round Top commences. Casualties are taken by both Yanks and Rebs as some of Law's troops are coming down the north slope of Big Round Top in background...
Back on Houck Ridge, both sides are blazing away at each other, but the Federals are getting outflanked...
Further west in Rose's Woods, troops of Anderson's Brigade are pushing towards the Federal position...
On Little Round Top, both sides lose an entire stand but neither side has blinked yet...
The Rebs overrun Smith's gun line above Devil's Den (top center), while more of their men fall to the west of the Ridge at the edge of the Triangular Field...
Robertson's men fall back slightly to recover and to await the reinforcements belonging to Law...
A charge is made by the Rebs on Houck's Ridge...and it is driven off as the men become Shaken! top center, you can see the yellow cap)... 
And its actually worse in Rose's Woods! A major portion of Anderson's men are driven back, Shaken, as well...
The Right Wing of Law's Brigade has finally caught up after its Big Round Top detour. They are heading for the 20th Maine (upper left) and the Federal Left Flank...
The Confederates are able to successfully rally their Shaken units (top left and top center)...
More to follow...

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

July 2, 1863 Battle of Gettysburg, Day Two

 Having gamed the First Day's Battle (covered in earlier Blogs), it was time to move to the Second Day. With Cigar Box printing a Battle Mat for the southern portion of the Battle, the challenge was on.

The view of the battlefield. looking east over the Confederate lines. At the top right is Big Round Top (tree covered); Little Round Top at Top Left. The Devil's Den, at the Right End of Houck's Ridge,  is seen just below Little Round Top with Plum Run above and Rose Run below, joining together to the right of Devil's Den. Timber Farm Left Edge, with Slyder Farm in Center. The Emmittsburg Road at the Bottom Edge.The troops belong to Hood's Division, Longstreet First Corps, of the Army of Northern Virginia.

The view remains from the East, but a little further north. You can still see Little Round Top and Devil's Den at Top, with Timber Farm at Center. The famous Wheatfield is located Left Center (light colored field) with Stoney Hill below it and between the Rose Farm nearer the Emmittsburg Road along bottom. The Peach Orchard and Wentz Farm House are seen at the Left Bottom Edge. Confederate Gun Line can be seen at the very Bottom of Photo...
The view changes to the North with the edge of the Peach Orchard and Wentz Farm House at Lower Right Corner. Stoney Hill Lower Center and Wheatfield on Lower Left. Houck's Ridge is on Left Edge with Devil's Den Upper Left Corner. Federal Troops on the Ridge, belong to Ward's Brigade of Birney's Division, Sickles Third Corps, Army of the Potomac. In the Wheatfield and barely visible at the Southern Edge of Stoney Hill the troops belong to de Trobriand's Brigade also of Birney's Division. Rose Run can be seen coming from Stoney Hill to its joining with Plum Run in Upper Left Corner...
View still from the North, but further East. Taneytown Road runs top to bottom on Left, with Big Round Top (top) and Little Round Top (center). Houck's Ridge is seen at Right Edge with Devil's Den at southern tip (Right Center). The Slyder Farm House can be seen Right Top and the G. Weikert Farm House at Lower Right. The J. Weikert Farm House is Left Center (and needs to be moved to the West of the Road) with the Bricker Farm House below it.  Federal troops are from Sykes Fifth Corps that were rushed to the area to support Sickles overextended line. Vincent's Brigade (inc 20th Maine) is just beginning to march up the Hill while Weed's Brigade is moving along the Wheatfield Road (from Left to Right). Two Artillery Batteries are also seen including Hazlett's heading up Little Round Top.
Final view is from the East, with the Taneytown Road running Left to Right with the Round Tops located above it. The J. Weikert Farm House at Center
Federal forces located initially on this southern portion of the Gettysburg Battlefield included the green-clad 2nd U.S.Sharpshooters formed by Berdan with Breechloading Rifles. They started as skirmishers along the Slyder farm fences west of the Round Tops..
De Trobriand's Brigade, belonging to Birney"s Division, Sickles III Corps, was stationed at the southern edge of the Wheatfield (17th Maine-left edge), and on southern edge of Stoney Hill. On a personal note, my latest family research discovered my 3rd Great Uncle on Mother's side, Sergeant James H. Loring, was the Color Guard member carrying the State Flag. Actually have a miniature of him on the left stand! Sadly he was killed later in the fight at the center of the Wheatfield with a bullet to the forehead!..
Ward's Brigade, also of Birney's Division, stationed here along Houck's Ridge ending in Devil's Den (top) was initially General Meade's left Flank. That would quickly change as you will see in next photo. Smith's NY Artillery Btr was located at the southern end of Ward's line with, one section of two guns in the "Valley of Death" which is between Devil's Den and Little Round Top (to the left of photo)...
Fortunately for the Union forces that day, General Warren, Meade's chief engineer was atop Little Round Top and noticed Rebel forces in the woods west of him. Realizing the importance of that Hill, he quickly located troops to move onto Little Round Top. Here is Strong Vincent's Brigade beginning its climb up the northeast slope of that hill. 20th Maine is at head of the column, commanded by Colonel Chamberlain, made famous by the film "Gettysburg (which I highly recommend)...
Located just north of Vincent's position is Weed's Brigade, also of General Sykes V Corps. The Wheatfield and "Valley of Death" are located to the right of photo, while Little Round top is above photo...
Forces of the Confederacy include Hood's (center of photo) Division with the Texas Brigade (Robertson), including two regiments, 4th and 5th Texas seen here in front-left rank; Law's Brigade making up the right front rank and second rank; and Benning's Brigade in support...
Left hand elements of the Texas Brigade, consisting of the (l-r), 3rd Arkansas and 1st Texas (remainder of the Brigade is to the right of photo); Anderson's Brigade in support. Yes the Texas Brigade divided itself as they approached the Federal lines, which would cost them dearly...

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Cigar Box and Osprey's Gettysburg

 If you look back on this Blog to July and Aug of 2019, you will see a recreation of the first day's struggle at Gettysburg. It was played on amazingly beautiful battle mats. Cigar Box has a large selection of terrain that can be used for all kinds of battles. They connected with Osprey Publishing to create what has to be one of the most detailed battle mats of all time! Buildings, trees, roads, streams, fences are all found on these two mats that recreate all the terrain northwest, north and northeast of the town of Gettysburg. The mats can be used as is, or as I did, along with molded hills placed beneath, and buildings and trees placed on top. I simply loved the look of this combination. I decided to show just the mat itself (with the hills beneath) to show off the quality. These mats are some 4+ feet by 6+feet, so cover a lot of ground.

This first view is from the east, with Gettysburg itself seen to the left edge...

Turning now to the view from the west, now with Gettysburg on the right...
They have additional ACW creations with this same attention to detail. They have also come out with a three piece collection for Gettysburg, but not so heavily detailed. Roads and streams are included with hills shaded. I ordered the "Tops" selection so I can turn my attention to the second day's battle of July 2, 1863. I will keep you posted.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Carter Part V

 The Great White Apes...

This and the previous are early Heritage...
The Heritage up grade was better...
But the Morphius is tops...

Carter Part IV

The Therns (White Martian)...

Carter Part III

The fearsome Green Martians...


Mounted on a Thoat...