Sunday, July 25, 2021

An English Buccaneer Raid

 An English Sloop puts into the small dock area of the French colony of Anguilla, and unloads it's entire crew ashore. The small French Militia garrison is hiding in the large house at left...

After shooting down two of the Englishmen, the French commander decides on a big gamble. He orders his men to leave the house and attempt to outflank the Buccaneers and take their unmanned vessel! The English fire into the Militia (bottom) and drop one. The French succeed in taking down two more Englishmen. (c)...
The English commander goes all out aggressive and charges the Militia. Unfortunately for the French they are overwhelmed...
The now undefended island is then looted of its very small value, and the English sail off.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Dutch Catch an English Smuggler

 Two Dutch and French Sloops sailed to New Providence Island in the Bahamas and discovered an English Sloop anchored in the harbor. They blocked up the two entrances to the harbor. The Dutch Sloop was watching the shallow Eastern channel when the English Smugglers attempted to escape.

The English (bottom) begin their move to the high seas...

The only hope for the English is to slip past the Dutch as they are heavily outnumbered and not organized for battle...

Trying to keep the wind, the Dutch sail dangerously close to the shoreline while the English attempt to tack away from the hunters and escape...
It appears momentarily that the English Captain may pull it off, but it doesn't quite make it past the Dutch...
So the Dutch Captain has a new ship. He places a small prize crew aboard, and orders a link up with his French consort and passage to Petit Goave...

Saturday, July 17, 2021

A Bad Week for the French, Another Merchant is Taken

 As Don Antonio and Flotilla drew close to the approaches of Havana, they were surprised to see a French-Flagged Brig (bottom) heading their way! Don Antonio has his three ships (His Sloop in upper left) spread out so as to give the Frenchmen no way to bypass him...

The Crew aboard Don Antonio's Sloop prepare for what should be a short engagement...
Close-up of crew with Don Antonio left of center in a red coat surrounded by his Soldados...
Flying no flag initially, Don Antonio's crew successfully tacks twice into the wind and draw closer...
Attempting to slip by the now identified Spanish vessel is the Frenchmen's only possible avenue of escape with two other ships (Barks not on table) on his port and starboard beams...But the Spanish Sloop again successfully tacks and then grapples! 
As soon as some Piqueros Milicianos jump aboard, the French Marins gvie up.
A totally bloodless coup. The Brig, her Captain and crew are sailed into Havana harbor. Don Antonio's Flotilla just got bigger!!!

An English Buccaneer takes a French Merchant Frigate

 One of our intrepid (yet another heretic!) English Buccaneer (Sloop, top) spots a Frenchmen (bottom) and moves in...

Flying a French Flag to keep the merchant in the dark buys him time to move closer. When it appears the Frenchmen is on to him, he raises the Red Flag (No Quarter if there is resistance). He also fires his two bow chasers...
One of the crews unexpectedly hits the Frigate, and takes down one of the Marins! The French Captain passes his check for now...
The Frenchmen attempts to steer around the Buccaneer Sloop, but will fail as the English crew make a successful Tack Maneuver to draw closer...
Just as the French Captain orders his two guns to fire, the crew convince him to lower the flag. The Buccaneers grapple with the French ship, take everything of value, and allow the astonished Frenchmen to sail on...
Some of our engagements are more sailing challenges as the victims are in many cases merchants, who are under-crewed and under-gunned. So until next time...

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Fight for Maracaibo, The Blockhouse and the Wall

It began with the Dutch Kapers moving into a position so they can bring covered fire onto the Blockhouse which guards the narrow mountain pass that enters the city from the west. As they do so, shots ring out as four Milicianos garrisoning the Blockhouse open fire, but to no avail. The Kapers only get one action on next turn, so they move into position. But the Milicianos pull the right card and gain two actions, one to finish reloading and the other to fire again. This time they are very successful and gain three hits! The Dutch fail one of their saves and so lose two Kapers...

While the Milicianos are occupied trying to reload, the Dutch Enter Ploeg (their version of the Forlorn Hope) charge forward, heading for the rope bridge (to right)...

The Milicianos only draw one action but needed two to fully reload! The Kapers meanwhile fire their first volley...and score a hit which the Spaniards fail to save. What's wors, they gain two fatigues having failed both saves. That will cost them an action (in Blood & Plunder, two fatigues reduces a unit one action on succeeding turn). The Enter Ploeg continue while a unit of Zeelieden advance on the board as well...
Closeup of unfortunate Miliciano inside the Blockhouse as the Dutch pass them by...
As the Militianos attempt to recover from their loss, the Dutch Enter Pleog race to the rope-bridge. The Kapers then fire another successful volley and score another Miliciano, who now fail their tests and go shaken!. The Zeelieden then rush the Blockhouse door...
The gunfire now alerts l'Olonnais to launch the main assault against the eastern wall. Miliciano Indios and other Milicianos fire into the charging French Marins carrying ladders and drop two. They fail their tests and gain two fatigues. The French Militia and Filibusters shoot but fail to score...
The English now join in as their Forlorn Hope charge forward. They are met by a thunderous volley of arrows and musket-balls, and they lose two...
At the start of the new turn, the Enter Pleog cross the bridge, while the Zeelieden successfully smash the door open. The Spanish Milicianos successfully recover all their fatigue, but there are only two remaining so it doesn't look good...
The Milicianos drop two more of the French Marins but some Filibusters move up, fire, and score one hit on a Miliciano...
The English Forlorn Hope lose two more of their men, but past their tests (why they are the Forlorn Hope!) and reach the base of the wall...
At the Blockhouse, the Zeelieden storm inside and slaughter the two remaining Milicianos, while the Enter Pleog push along the mountain track...
The Dutch navigating the narrow track...
On the left, the French Militia are blasted by 2x 6lbers losing two men. ButFrench Marins reach the base of the wall with their ladders. Filibusters right of center lose another member to Spanish volleys...
The English Forlorn Hope actually get two men up on top of their ladders, only to be shot off (c) by one volley of Miliciano Indios while a second volley takes down two English Freebooters! Return fire does down one of the Indios...
The Dutch continue on their way towards the western Spanish Fort...
French Marins make it to the top of their ladders, as the Spanish Milicianos desperately try to reload. French Filibusters fail to give any support....
Milicianos Indios draw a card for three actions that enables to jump up on their wall, get volleys into the Forlorn Hope at the base (wiping them out!) then jumping back down for cover! Great move! As English Sea Dogs climb their ladders, it's fortunate for them that Spanish musket and arrow fire here does no damage...
The Dutch Enter Pleog have just about come into sight of the Spanish Fort...
The French seem to be getting the upper hand. Their leading Marins nearly wipe out the defending Milicianos, leaving only one to flee for his life, while the Militia shoot down one of the Artillerists as well. The surviving Artillerists charge into melee but have no success. Making matters worse, Filibusters shoot down another Miliciano (top tight)...
The English Sea Dogs on the wall fail to dislodge the small Miliciano unit facing them, and they lose two men when they are attacked! The two Miliciano Indios score again with one casualty on Freebooters (l) and two Sea Dogs (r). More Sea Dogs and Freebooters however move in closer or start up ladders...
The first Dutch are spotted advancing on the Fort (upper left)!
The French are breaking through! The drop two of the three Artillerists causing the last to rout. Filibusters then drop the last two Milicianos on the wall in this section and newly arrived Buccaniers drop an Indio (top right). The Officer in charge of the Bastion and the Chaplain are running for their lives! (top left)
And the English finally get their moment, destroying all but one Miliciano who then routs (c)! A Miliciano Indios and Miliciano are moving up along the wall, but it appears that said wall has fallen...
Spanish Milicianos fire in defense of their fort and they get one Dutch Enter Pleog...
The French have taken the Bastion while the Spanish officer is calling for assistance from the Dock area (top center). Some Milicianos Indios have descended the wall's stairwell, aiming for the doorway through the interior wall (c); for now...
The English are pouring over the wall in their sector, while a group of badly shaken Milicianos Indios look doomed. The last Milicianos is falling back trying to escape (l)...
Back at the western Fort, the Enter Pleog couldn't quite make it to their enemy; they may suffer another volley as a result next turn...
French Marins have moved up to the edge of Maracaibo, while the Indios did succeed in escaping through the doorway at least for the moment. Filibusters, Militia and the Buccaniers have moved up to the wall...
English Sea Dogs butcher the last three Shaken Indios (c) while the Milicianos have descended to ground level behind a building (r)...
The Buccaneers have breached the defenses. As l'Olonnais brings up his additional forces to storm the town, The Dutch begin their assault on the Western Fort. The Miliciano drop one Enter Pleog as they move up, but then lose two of their four in Melee with same. The Marineros then countercharge and inflict two additional casualties. The Dutch are very stout however, making their saves so no fatigue!...
In the next turn, the Marineros lose one of their men in Melee with the Enter Pleog. But they score big during their activation, inflicting three casualties and the Dutch make only one save. The Soldado unit that moved along the dock now fires it's first volley and also scores big, three Kapers go down and the remaining two are Shaken and retreat. The Dutch assault is suddenly in serious jeopardy...
Another view of the previous fight...
The recovered Milicianos shoot down one of the Dutch Enter Pleog...
But the Zeelieden now charge and wipe out the poor Milicianos.  The Soldados wipe out the three Kapers before they recover. Can the Dutch actually prevail after all?
The Spanish Artillerists are forced into the fray, but they accomplish nothing. Note the Dutch officer in yellow while the Spanish officer is in top right...
The Zeelieden devastate the Artillerists dropping six! The fight has quickly flipped, even when the Soldados shoot down two of the Dutch sailors...
The Spanish officer and his remaining Marineros bravely attack the Zeelieden, even though they are outnumbered...but they make no impact on the Dutch. They in turn wipe them out, causing the badly shaken Artillerists to surrender! The Fort belongs to the Dutch!
And that does it. With the walls breached and the western Fort fallen, the Viceroy believes their is no chance to hold Maracaibo. He orders the garrison to retire into the hills to join with the populace. Perhaps they can remain hidden...