Friday, June 25, 2021

A French Schooner is Taken

 Week Six of our Buccaneer Campaign saw my Flotilla patrolling off the coast of Puerto Rico, when an approaching sail was spotted. Soon it was identified as French, so I ordered French colors raised to keep these trespassers in the dark as to our true Spanish identity. My ships were sailing close to the wind (coming from behind the French Schooner) so we were tacking to the port side...

Our group has worked out a system where the further out the ship is (starting at 40") there is a 10% chance someone will see through the facade. It goes up 10% for each 4" of decreasing range. This was the view the Frenchmen had of my oncoming Flotilla...
My crew prepares. Piqueros Marineros in the bow; gunners and Marineros amidships; and the Soldado with Don Antonio on the quarterdeck...
The range quickly closed to 32", but no warnings were observed...
The suddenly the Schooner veers off as it appears the French Captain wishes to force my ships into the wind. The Drummer begins his call to battle as I order the Sloop to Tack through the wind. But the Marineros fail to successfully do so, and we drift! I notice that both my Bark's fail to do so as well!...
Fortunately on the next turn, my men get the ship under control after drifting only 1". We turn with the Frenchmen and I order a broadside! We are so close, that all shots strike home...
The result is devastating, as the small French gun crew is wiped out!
The brave French Captain makes his Strike Test, (losing nearly half his crew) and tries to sweep past me. Those bungling men aboard the closest Bark (l) cause my Sloop (c) to veer away slightly so as not to collide!
Not wishing to cause anymore damage to the Schooner, I order to close on it and to grapple...and my men succeed!
My stout Piqueros Marineros swarm aboard and occupy the first two decks...and the French Captain wisely strikes! Some more trespassing heretics have been apprehended. The Viceroy will be pleased!
If you are allied with His Majesty, King Carlos, may you always make your throws. If not...

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