As part of our continuing 17th Century Adventure, my personal character, Don Antonio, has had success. Earlier we had a game where a French Fluyt was captured and significant booty was taken. With that (in our game mechanics) Don Antonio purchased an upgrade, a Sloop armed with 4 6lb and 2 9 lb guns. He also hired on some new men in Cartagena where they had come ashore for resupply. He then continued on his patrol eastward towards eventually Trinidad. That was the easternmost island colony of the Spanish at the time. Towards the end of that particular week (our campaign turns are in weekly portions), he decided to pay a visit to a known Dutch smuggling settlement that was claimed by the Spanish, but not settled and controlled by Spain until the next century.
The Dutch used Puerta Cabello (present-day Venezuela) as a base to smuggle mostly Cocoa to their nearby colony of Curacao. It was a small post, not even totally fortified. It was located on the north shore of a large bay (on left) more for protection against local natives than anything...
With his Sloop leading his Flotilla (Flying Dutch Colors I might add!), Don Antonio has one Bark break off to the NW (bottom right) to eventually anchor off the shore of a narrow peninsula that the Dutch might try to use as an escape route...As the Flotilla continued their entrance into the bay, Dutch sailors of a Perugia, move towards her just in case...
On shore, the remaining Dutchmen are moving closer to get a look at the newcomers. It would appear that it is a merchant (or two?) coming for their cocoa...
A Dutchman on board the Piragua hails the Sloop and is answered (by the sole Dutch-speaker!). The Sloop glides forward slowly as the crew reef their sails. The trailing Bark maneuvers into position as well..
The second Bark drops anchor and the crew prepares to man its cannon...
Suddenly, as the Sloop continues forward only slightly, the gun ports open and a tremendous cannon volley splits the air...the balls shatter the hull of the Piragua, and all four Zeelieden are blown away! At this range all the shots are on target, and only one fail to strike home. The Dutch only make one save so its one Strike Point to the Spanish right away...
The Dutch Kapers ashore quickly react. They fire a long range volley and score a hit!
The Piqueros Marineros fail their saving throw and one goes down...
The only possible bad news for the Spanish is the Inexperienced Marineros on the second Bark, fail not once but three times in attempting to lower their sails. They are getting close to the dock
As a group of Zeelieden pass into sight, the waiting Bark lets loose with a long range volley, needing a ten to hit...and they get one! The Zeelieden fails the saving throw and down he goes...
The Soldado fire their own long range volley, and they too are lucky as a Dutch Militiaman fails his throw and goes down. This gives the Spanish a second Strike Point which causes the Dutch to roll a Strike Test which they barely pass...
The Militia fire in return but make no hits. The Zeelieden and Kaper move to escape via the narrow peninsula to the north (bottom right). The second Bark fails again to lower sails and so must veer off to the starboard to avoid crashing into the flagship! Don Antonio is not amused! The Piqueros Marineros dash onto the dock...
Fearing a volley from the Dutch Militia with no cover, the Piqueros Marineros fell back to the Piragua. The Dutch did then miss with a volley, but the advancing Soldado did no better...
The Bark did get one shot on target with a roll of a nine, but the Dutch Kaper made its throw to save...
Chasing the retiring Militia, the Soldado missed again. While the Dutch retreated the surviving Zeelieden off the board (and causing a second Strike Test), the Dutch maintained their morale! At 50% they are stubborn men!
While the Piqueros move under cover, both the Dutch Kapers and Soldado fire at each other. Both score one hit and both fail their saving throws...
One Bark fires another long-range cannon volley but fails to hit...
A blast from one of the Sloop's swivel guns comes up short...
The completely incompetent Marineros on the second Bark fail two more times to trim their sails and are force to turn away from the action to avoid the shore line of the bay! Don Antonio may be hanging this lot!
As the Dutch Kaper escape (and the Dutch succeed yet again in their forced Strike Test!), the Piqueros chase after the Militia...
The Spanish gain the initiative and charge their Piqueros into the remainder of the Militia. The Dutch get defensive fire...and they roll twos and miss! The Spanish charge into the Dutch, and bring all three down. The Spanish will now loot the Trading Post, then burn it all to the ground.
Not really much of a fight, but loot is loot, and thats how the forces grown. Till next time...Viva Espana!
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