Sunday, June 9, 2024

Space Hulk: A Tale; Chapter 2: A Truly Alien Atmosphere

 Deep coring equipment is brought up to the walls of the Xenos Hulk, and work begins. After some time, a breach is made, opening into a hideous alien atmosphere. The surfaces are soft and moist and the atmosphere is high in humidity...

Lead by the Terminators, the Skitarii and Breachers push into the Hulk...
As they push deeper, questions are still discussed concerning the mysterious circular opening. The passageways have arched/curved ceilings as well...
With a great deal explored (and more of the mysterious openings discovered) and still no contact. But the Skitarii make an amazing discovery (top/photo)...
The Skitarii on the verge of entering the immense cavern, but without support?
To be continued...

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