Saturday, June 15, 2024

Space Hulk: A Tale: Chapter 4: Through the Gauntlet

 With the warning now passed among the Breachers, Skitarii and Terminators, it become a mad rush to escape this alien vessel so that they could teleport back to their ships. At one point, one of the Breacher squads was about to be overrun, even as the Magos arrived with his warning...

A disaster has occurred! All the remaining photos have been lost! It was an amazing finish as the majority of the Terminators remained in the cavern to fight with the Brood Lord and his Hive Guard. With the Apothecary restoring life not once but twice, and restoring wounds as well, the Brood Lord was put down and the remainder of the Tyranids lost their governance, allowing one Breacher Squad and the Terminators to withdraw to their ships. To find their ships are under attack...but that is another chapter...

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