Thursday, July 4, 2024

Chapter 5: Planet Ieaid: The Wastelands

 Before the Task Force was sent to investigate the Space Hulk, trouble was brewing on Ieaid itself. Unknown to the Imperium, a small Genestealer Cult was growing in the shadows. Attempting to gather weapons, the Leadership of the Cult decided to raid an Ironhead Prospecting settlement deep in the Wastelands.

The small Promethium Drilling Site #325A6...

The Prospectors included a Charter Master (located just left of brightly colored crate at center), 2x Drill Masters (Champions), 2x Drill-Kyn (Gangers), and 3x Diggers (Juves). The titles see in parenthesis comes from the game Necomunda. The Cultists included 5x Acolyte Hybrids, 10x Neophyte Hybrids, and 4x Aberrants. The attack started poorly as the Cultists succeeding only in causing one Ironhead to temporarily go prone, while return fire dropped 2 Neophhytes...
A more detailed look at the Cultist casualties...
The Cultists charge in and while concentrated fire from the Ironheads drop one of the Aborrants (top center), another nearly reaches the back of one of the Diggers (bottom center)...
The Charter Master rushes out to save the Digger, attacking the Aborrant, while Ironhead weapons fire take down two Acolytes...
Fire brings down another Acolyte while a second Digger sees an Aborrant charging towards him unhurt by his fire...
The Charter Master takes down not one, but two of the Aborrants, but is himself cut down by the remaining Aborrant. It is the first loss to the Ironheads!
The struggle comes to a bloody finish, as the Aborrant smashes down a Digger, but then he and the remaining Cultists go down to accurate Ironhead fire...
The first attempt by the Cultist to gain strength has failed!

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