Friday, September 20, 2024

Chapter 12: The Taking of Gaviah II

 The Genestealer Cult on Ieaid continue to push for higher and higher goals. Having taken control of numerous outstations and mining establishments in the Waste Lands, the small settlement of Haviah II is selected as the next target.

Using captured Cargo 8 and Ridgerunner vehicles to drive into the center of the town, the initial target is the Arbiters Station (right center), and the local PDF Transmission Post (upper left center)...

An Arbiter Sniper observes the vehicles, but no alarm is set...
The Sniper also notices figures advancing from the east out of the WasteLand, and that message is sent down to the Post Sergeant. He puts a call into the PDF post...
The Cargo 8 truck pulls up between the two posts, and the attack begins. From inside the cargo containers five Acolyte Hybrids and an Abominant step out and with supporting fire from the Heavy Stubbers on top of the Cargo 8, take down one of the Arbiter Sanctioner Automata, while losing only one Hybrid...
Now some Atalan Jackals along with a Jackal Alphus (left), enter Gaviah from the south...
PDF fire from atop their station, the Arbiter Vanator, as well as an Orlock Quad, take down a number of the Hybrids...
At the southern edge of Gaviah, the Jackals and a Ridgerunner eliminate some Orlock members inside the Manufactorum, as well as an Arbiter...
While the Cultists lose all but one of the Hybrids, the Abominant swiftly destroys the second Arbiter Sanctioner. Inside the Tavern (left-Orlock Operations Center!), several Orlock members line the windows in an attempt to beat back the assault...
The PDF troopers on top of their post, along with the Arbiter Venator, exchange fire with the Cargo 8...
Unfortunately for the Orlocks, the remaining Hybrid lets loose a blast from his handflammer into the Tavern, while the Abominant breaks through the door! Incredibly, two of the Orlocks survives this attack...
to be continued...

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