Sunday, May 16, 2021

An Unexpected Enounter

 As a Spanish Corsario Sloop was cruising NW through the Florida Straits another Sloop belonging to the Brethren of the Coast, appeared out of the NE. The Corsario Crew consisted of 2x 3 Trained Corsarios; 7 Trained Marineros; along with a Master Gunner and a Sharpshooter. The Brethren have 4 Trained Zeelieden; 3 Trained Zeelieden; 4 Trained Kapers; and a Sharpshooter as well. (Wonder if these Captains figured on someone choosing that option?)

Corsario on right with the Brethren (Flying a neutral Danish Flag) on the left...

Closeup view of the Corsario Sloop...
And a view of the Brethren's Sloop...
With the Wind Advantage, the Corsario gets in the first lick, its Broadside scoring one hit. The Brethren on that deck however succeed their save both to Casualty AND fatigue...
The Brethren Captain orders a hard turn to port, but can't quite bring his guns to bear. That will have to wait until next round...
The Brethren maneuver for a partial broadside...and they get a hit and a casualty! The Brethren don't gain a fatigue however. 
Then the Brethren Kapers (with their Sharpshooter) score another casualty and a fatigue. Things were looking good at that point...
The Corsarios answer with a volley of their own and drop a Zeelieden!
The two sides then exchange a broadside. The Brethren bring down two Marineros (but no fatigue), but the Corsarios get three kills. Worse yet, their first ranging shot results in a Lucky Hit...a fire breaks out on deck! (Blood & Plunder provide many game tools, inc dice with various damage markers). Time perhaps for the Brethren to escape to fight another day...if they can...
To add fuel to the fire (so to speak), the Corsarios' muskets (and their Sharpshooter) bring down yet another Zeelieden, wiping a unit out! The Brethren have one Strike Point (various events such as 25% casualties reward an opponent these, which can lead to the end of a fight) while the Corsarios now have two. If the Brethren hadn't stuck down three Corsarios, it could have been all over.
The Brethren Captain orders the Sloop to escape into the wind as his surviving Zeelieden fail to put out the fire! The Corsarios miss with another musket volley. A roll is now made to see if the fire spreads...and it does! If at least one of these is not put out by the end of the next turn, the ship will be destroyed! 
The two Sloops maneuver, the Corsario attempting to rake the stern while the Brethren work to refuse that as well as escape...
The Brethren move their Sloop to forestall the Corsario ranking their stern just in time. As it is the cannon volley drops one of the Kaper and further damages the ship itself...
The Brethren were able to gain some space but the Corsario may have at least one more try to slow her down...
At the end of the round, the Brethren extinguished both fires! In the next round,  the luck of the Brethren returned and they activated first. This enabled them to sail 'off the edge of the board' thereby ending the game. They lost this fight, but lived to fight another day. Avast my maties, may you make all of your saving throws!

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