Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Captain Searle at Tobago: Jan 1666

As part of our Buccaneer Campaign, I will weave as many historical events into our story as my research can uncover. This study is certainly one of the main reasons for my enjoyment of historical-based campaigns. One of the first included in our Timeline, is an English raid onto Dutch Tobago. Something I would have never guessed is that Latvia (yes that Latvia!) had established a colony on this island prior to the Dutch. Conflict with the later arriving Dutch eventually turned control over to that Maritime nation, at least temporarily. Now in 1666,  a famous Buccaneer named Robert Searle, along with a not so famous cohort named Stedman, took 60-some Buccaneer 'friends' to sack the colony. Seeing that England and Holland were once again at war (Second Anglo-Dutch War), Governor Modyford of Jamaica (who was actually trying to halt English Buccaneer raids on the Spanish with whom they were at peace) was supportive. An 8-gun Barque Longa under the personal command of Captain Searle, accompanied by the 6-gun Schooneer with Stedman aboard, arrived off the harbor of Lampsinsstad. This was the Dutch capital, located on the eastern shore of Tobago, while the town of Jacobsstad (the original Latvian settlement) was on the western shore.

The town of Lampsinsstad on the left, with Fort Lampsinsberg on the right...
Located on the town's waterfront, is a 9lb gun/crew. The panicky townsfolk are fleeing for the protection (?) of the fort...
More of the townsfolk...
I like the calm looking gentleman on the left...
The fort holds 4x 9lb guns in four bastions. It is garrisoned by four Militia units, all Inexperienced!
Following a quick stop (very quick!) to consult with the commander of Fort Lampsinsberg, Governor Beveren has his carriage move into the interior and eventually to Fort Beveren (old Courland/Latvian Ft Jacob) on the west coast. Brave man that Gov!
This is an Old Glory miniatures that comes with the removable roof so as to see our Governor and family...
What might the Militia be thinking as they witness the rapid exit of their governor? (top center)
As Stedman's Schooner closes the range, the Dutch 9lb at the harbor front opens fire, but misses...
Likewise, the Schooner positions itself, anchors, and fires its first broadside, ineffectively as well...
Meanwhile Searle has his Barque closes on the Dutch Fort...
Stedman and two of his units now embark onto their Longboat with the expectation of landing at the enemy dock...
The Dutch 9lb again misses while the Longboat maneuvers to come about...
Stedman's men fire off their second volley...
...and the first casualty...
A Dutch 9lb opens fire but the shot comes up short...
Another volley from Stedman's Schooner misses again as well...
Searle takes a gamble and attempts to tack into the wind directly in front of Fort Lampsingsgard...
The Longboat containing two units of Buccaneers are approaching the dock...
The Dutch at the harbor, target the Longboat but miss this too! Great shooting on both sides this...
A second 9lb at the Fort also misses...
A hit is finally scored by Searle's Barque, but the Dutch defenders make a successful save...
The Longboat pulls up alongside the dock, having been fortunate not to be blasted apart...
Another hit on the Fort, but another saving throw by the Dutch...
As a band of Freebooters climbs onto the dock, their ship fires ineffectively yet again!
Stedman's Freebooters move along the dock and unleash their first volley...
And what a volley it is...two of the remaining gunners are downed and the third routs from the battle! The 9lb is also unharmed (the gunners were about to spike it)...
Meanwhile, the Dutch of Fort Lampsinsberg miss another shot as two of Searle's Freebooter units  climb aboard one of their Longboats...
The small group of Stedman's Sea Dogs that went aboard their Longboat, disembark and secure the jetty. One of the attractive points of the Rules Blood & Plunder is how effortlessly the naval connects with the shore and vice versa...
Stedman's Landing party moves ashore...
Searle is adding two Longboats filled with three units of Freebooters and one Sea Dog as reinforcements...
Both the Dutch and Searle's gunners score one hit, but neither do any damage...
Before sunset, two more ineffective volleys by both sides rung out, as Searle and his men put ashore for the assault on Fort Lampsinberg...
Freebooters from Stedman's ship (r) are returning to their ship, as others move into town...

The sun soon sets and Searle plans the next stage of his attack on Tobago...

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